
欢迎参加2024 ALB中国区域市场法律大奖:华南地区&华中地区!
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Welcome to the ALB China Regional Law Awards 2024: South China & Central China!
Date: December 6, 2024, Friday
Venue: The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen
Asian Legal Business is pleased to announce that nominations are now open for ALB China Regional Law Awards 2024: South China & Central China, with the winners being announced in a gala ceremony in Shenzhen!
These prestigious awards will pay tribute to the outstanding performance of private practitioners and in-house teams in East China, which covers 6 provinces and 1 municipality: Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Henan, Hubei and Hunan. Put forth your own law firm, in-house team or other teams in this areas you have worked with in the past year to recognize their accomplishments and efforts.
We highly encourage all local law firms, individuals and in-house teams to submit.
For enquiries about the submission, you may contact:
Research team
T: +86 10 5669 2015; +86 10 5669 2010; +86 10 5669 2009
E: LawAwards@thomsonreuters.com
For enquiries about sponsorship, you may contact:
Amantha Chia
T: +65 6973 8258
E: amantha.chia@thomsonreuters.com
Award Sponsor

Associate Sponsors


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2024 ALB中国区域市场法律大奖:华南地区&华中地区 | ALB China Regional Law Awards 2024: South China & Central China
时间 Date:2024年12月6日,星期五 | 6th December 2024, Friday
地点 Venue: 深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店 The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen
着装要求 Dress Code:礼服或正装 Black tie/Formal
奖项 | Categories
三项交易类奖项 | 3 Deal Award Categories
- 年度华南华中地区债券市场交易大奖 | Debt Market Deal of the Year: South China & Central China
- 年度华南华中地区股票市场交易大奖 | Equity Market Deal of the Year: South China & Central China
- 年度华南华中地区并购交易大奖 | M&A Deal of the Year: South China & Central China
四项公司法务类奖项| 4 In-House Award Categories
- 年度华南华中地区合规和风险管理公司法务组大奖 | Compliance and Risk Management In-House Team of the Year: South China& Central China
- 年度华南华中地区知识产权法务组大奖 | Intellectual Property In-House Team of the Year: South China & Central China New
- 年度华南华中地区公司法务组大奖 | In-House Team of the Year: South China & Central China
- 年度华南华中地区公司法务大奖 | In-House Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China
五项个人奖项 | 5 Individual Award Categories
- 年度华南华中地区青年律师大奖 | Young Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China
- 年度华南华中地区女性律师大奖 | Woman Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China
- 年度华南华中地区争议解决律师大奖 | Dispute Resolution Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China
- 年度华南华中地区知识产权律师大奖 | Intellectual Property Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China New
- 年度华南华中地区管理合伙人大奖 | Managing Partner of the Year: South China & Central China
十八项律师事务所类大奖 | 18 Firm Award Categories
- 年度华南华中地区资本市场律师事务所大奖 | Capital Markets Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China
- 年度华南华中地区网络安全与数据保护律师事务所大奖 | Cyber Security and Data Protection Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China New
- 年度华南华中地区争议解决律师事务所大奖 | Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China
- 年度华南华中地区知识产权律师事务所大奖 | Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China
- 年度华南华中地区国际仲裁律师事务所大奖 | International Arbitration Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China New
- 年度华南华中地区国际贸易律师事务所大奖 | International Trade Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China
- 年度华南华中地区海事海商律师事务所大奖 | Maritime Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China
- 年度华南华中地区房地产与建设工程律师事务所大奖 | Real Estate & Construction Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China
- 年度华南华中地区合规律师事务所大奖 | Regulatory Compliance Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China
- 年度华南华中地区破产重组律师事务所大奖 | Insolvency & Restructuring Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China
- 年度华南华中地区科技、媒体与电信律师事务所大奖 | Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China
- 年度华南华中地区财富管理律师事务所大奖 | Wealth Management Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China
- 年度华南华中地区最具潜力律师事务所大奖 | Rising Law Frim of the Year: South China & Central China
- 年度华南华中地区自由贸易区律师事务所大奖 | Free-Trade Zone Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China
- 年度福建地区律师事务所大奖 | Fujian Law Firm of the Year
- 年度湖南地区律师事务所大奖 | Hunan Law Firm of the Year
- 年度湖北地区律师事务所大奖 | Hubei Law Firm of the Year
- 年度华南华中地区律师事务所大奖 | South China & Central China Law Firm of the Year
* The above list will be regularly updated until final. ALB reserves the right to adjust the award category name and details.
Submit Today
2024 ALB中国区域市场法律大奖:华南地区&华中地区 | ALB China Regional Law Awards 2024: South China & Central China
时间 Date:2024年12月6日,星期五 | 6th December 2024, Friday
地点 Venue: 深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店 The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen
着装要求 Dress Code:礼服或正装 Black tie/Formal
Research Team 调研团队
电话:+86 10 5669 2015; +86 10 5669 2010; +86 10 5669 2009
邮箱: LawAwards@thomsonreuters.com
*Disclaimer: All information, materials and submission provided to Thomson Reuters is legally available and not partially or totally, directly or indirectly encumbered by rights owned by third parties. By submitting any information and materials to Thomson Reuters, I understand and agree that neither Thomson Reuters nor its employees shall be liable for any loss, demand, claim or cause of action of any kind, for defamation, invasion of privacy, publicity or any similar matter whether or not such loss, demand or claim is foreseeable or not. Thomson Reuters shall not be responsible for any claims from third parties (whether grounded on intellectual property rights infringements, defamation, or breach of confidentiality or otherwise) related to Thomson Reuters’ publication of the information, materials and submission provided by you. All information, materials and submission provided to Thomson Reuters will be published as-is, without alteration or modification and the submitter will be fully responsible for its submission.
2024 ALB中国区域市场法律大奖:华南地区&华中地区 | ALB China Regional Law Awards 2024: South China & Central China
时间 Date:2024年12月6日,星期五 | 6th December 2024, Friday
地点 Venue: 深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店 The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen
着装要求 Dress Code:礼服或正装 Black tie/Formal
The judges will be annouced at the awards ceremony.
2024 ALB中国区域市场法律大奖:华南地区&华中地区 | ALB China Regional Law Awards 2024: South China & Central China
时间 Date:2024年12月6日,星期五 | 6th December 2024, Friday
地点 Venue: 深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店 The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen
着装要求 Dress Code:礼服或正装 Black tie/Formal
ALB China Regional Law Awards 2024: South China & Central China
Debt Market Deal of the Year: South China & Central China 年度华南华中地区债券市场交易大奖
China Construction Bank's Issuance of USD 1 billion Green Bond and CNH 2 billion Blue Bond
Firms: Clifford Chance LLP; Dacheng Law Offices; JunHe LLP; Linklaters
China Securities-Shenzhen Talent Public Housing 2023 No.1~X asset backed securities (quasi REITs)
中信建投-深圳人才安居租赁住房2023年第1-X期资产支持专项计划(类 REITs)
Firms: King & Wood Mallesons
First Capital Securities's Registration Application for Public Offering of 6 Billion Yuan of Corporate Bonds to Professional Investors Gets Consent from CSRC
Firms: Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm
Fujian Zhangzhou City Investment Group Co., Ltd. 's Issuance of Bond
Firms: Jingtian & Gongcheng
Guangdong Province's Issuance of RMB2.5 billion Offshore Municipal Government Bond in Macao SAR
Firms: ETR Law Firm; Linklaters; MdME; STA-Lawyers
律师事务所:广东广信君达律师事务所;年利达律师事务所;MdME律师事务所; STA-Lawyers律师事务所
Guangdong Rising Holding Group Co., Guangdong Rising Holding Group Co., Ltd. publicly issued corporate bonds to professional investors and its issuance of the first short-term and medium-and long-term corporate bonds of local SOes in the whole market
Firms: Tahota Law Firm
Guangzhou Digital Technology Group Successfully Issued Technology Innovation Exchangeable Corporate Bonds
Firms: Tian Yuan Law Firm
HSF’s Overseas Issuance of US$ 300 Million Bonds
Firms: JunHe LLP
KEHUA DATA CO., LTD.applies to issue Convertible Bonds to Unspecified Investors
Firms: Grandway Law Offices
Microport's Issuance of U.S.$ 220 million Convertible Bonds
Firms: Clifford Chance LLP; Global Law Office; Jingtian & Gongcheng; Linklaters
Shenzhen XFH Technology Co., Ltd.'s issuance of convertible corporate bonds to non-specific objects
Firms: Zhong Lun Law Firm
Sino-Ocean Group's first targeted debt financing tool (restructuring) in 2024- "First Debt Restructuring Swap Bond Project in the Interbank Bond Market"
Firms: AllBright Law Offices; Han Kun Law Offices
TCL Zhonghuan New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. issues 13.8 billion yuan of convertible corporate bonds to unspecified objects
Firms: China Commercial Law Firm
Equity Market Deal of the Year: South China & Central China 年度华南华中地区股票市场交易大奖
Big Tree Cloud goes public on Nasdaq through a De-SPAC transaction
Firms: Commerce & Finance Law Offices; Global Law Office; Maples Group; Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP; Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
Black Sesame International Holding Limited (2533.HK) made its initial public offering and was successfully listed under Chapter 18C of HKEX Main Board Listing Rules
Firms: Clifford Chance LLP; Maples Group; Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati; Zhong Lun Law Firm
Chenqi Technology Limited IPO on Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Firms: Clifford Chance LLP; Commerce & Finance Law Offices; Haiwen & Partners; Paul Hastings LLP
Desay Battery Allocate Shares to Original Shareholders
Firms: Grandall Law Firm
Foresight Technology's listing on the ChiNext board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Firms: AllBright Law Offices
Manst Technology's listing on SZSE
Firms: Jingtian & Gongcheng
Midea’s IPO on Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Firms: Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer; Jia Yuan Law Offices; King & Wood Mallesons; Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom
North Glass's registration of issuing shares to specific objects
Firms: Dacheng Law Offices
QuantumPharm's listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Firms: Herbert Smith Freehills LLP; JunHe LLP; Maples Group; Sidley Austin LLP
RoboSense Technology Co., Ltd's public offering of shares and listing on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Firms: Clifford Chance LLP; Han Kun Law Offices; Jacobson Burton Kelly PLLC; King & Wood Mallesons; Latham & Watkins LLP; Maples Group
律师事务所:高伟绅律师事务所;汉坤律师事务所;Jacobson Burton Kelly PLLC;金杜律师事务所;瑞生国际律师事务所;迈普达集团
UGREEN's listing on the GEM of Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Firms: Sundial Law Firm
ZEEKR Intelligent Technology Holding Limited listed in New York Stock Exchange
Firms: Davis Polk & Wardwel; Han Kun Law Offices; King & Wood Mallesons; Ogier; Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP
M&A Deal of the Year: South China & Central China 年度华南华中地区并购交易大奖
Carpoly's selling its controlling shares to Beijing New Building Materials Public Limited Company
Firms: Jingtian & Gongcheng
Guangdong Green Investment and Operation Co., Ltd.'s agreed acquisition of listed company Shenzhen Prolto Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.
Firms: Dacheng Law Offices
Guangdong Yuehai Land Holdings Limited's real property assignment project
Firms: Guantao Law Firm
Guangzhou Zhujiang Development Group Co., Ltd.'s major asset replacement, major asset sale and related transactions
Firms: Commerce & Finance Law Offices
Hunan Busy for You Commercial Chain Co., Ltd. 's combination with Yichun Super Ming Food Technology Co., Ltd.
Firms: AllBright Law Offices; Han Kun Law Offices
Introduction of strategic investors for the wholly-owned subsidiary of Guangdong Electric Power Development
Firms: Jingtian & Gongcheng; Zhong Lun Law Firm
Luxshare Acquires Controlling Interest of Pegaglobe
Firms: Global Law Office
SDIC Seed's Acquisition of Fengle Seed (An A-Share Listed Company)
Firms: JunHe LLP
Shenzhen Futian Investment Holding Co., Ltd. acquired 100% equity of Shenzhen Jindi Xinsha Real Estate Development Co., LTD.
Firms: Guangdong Guanghe Law Firm
Xiamen Tungsten (600549.SH), a listed company on the main board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, withdrew from the real estate business for the purpose of focusing on the main business
Firms: Fidelity Law Firm
ZEMIC takes jet fighter public
Firms: Jia Yuan Law Offices
Compliance and Risk Management In-House Team of the Year: South China & Central China 年度华南华中地区合规和风险管理公司法务组大奖
The Legal Affairs Department of Luk Fook Group | 六福集团法务部 |
Legal Shared Center of Midea Real Esate Group | 美的置业集团法务共享中心 |
The Legal Team of Ninja Van China | Ninja Van中国法律团队 |
Risk Management Department of Shenzhen Angel FOF Management Co., LTD. | 深圳市天使投资引导基金管理有限公司风险管理部 |
Tupperware China Legal Team | 特百惠中国法务团队 |
Heytea In-House Team | 喜茶法务部 |
Legal Team of XTC New Energy Materials (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. | 厦门厦钨新能源材料股份有限公司法务组 |
Intellectual Property In-House Team of the Year: South China & Central China年度华南华中地区知识产权公司法务组大奖
Legal and Intellectual Property of Guangdong Genius Technology Co.,Ltd. | 广东小天才科技有限公司法务与知识产权 |
Department of Compliance and Legal Affairs of Guangzhou Wang Lao Ji Great Health Industry Co.,Ltd. | 广州王老吉大健康产业有限公司合规与法律事务部 |
The Legal Affairs Department of Luk Fook Group | 六福集团法务部 |
Legal Shared Center of Midea Real Esate Group | 美的置业集团法务共享中心 |
Heytea In-House Team | 喜茶法务部 |
Legal Team of XTC New Energy Materials (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. | 厦门厦钨新能源材料股份有限公司法务组 |
Tanwan Games Legal Department of ZX Inc. | 中旭未来贪玩游戏法务部 |
In-House Team of the Year: South China & Central China 年度华南华中地区公司法务组大奖
Capital Market Legal Team of Ontime Mobility | 如祺出行资本市场法务团队 |
Legal and Intellectual Property of Guangdong Genius Technology Co.,Ltd. | 广东小天才科技有限公司法务与知识产权 |
Legal Department of KWG Living Group Holdings Limited | 合景悠活集团控股有限公司法务中心 |
The Legal Affairs Department of Luk Fook Group | 六福集团法务部 |
Legal Shared Center of Midea Real Esate Group | 美的置业集团法务共享中心 |
The Legal Team of Ninja Van China | Ninja Van中国法律团队 |
Risk Management Department of Shenzhen Angel FOF Management Co., LTD. | 深圳市天使投资引导基金管理有限公司风险管理部 |
Tupperware China Legal Team | 特百惠中国法务团队 |
Heytea In-House Team | 喜茶法务部 |
Legal Team of XTC New Energy Materials (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. | 厦门厦钨新能源材料股份有限公司法务组 |
In-House Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China 年度华南华中地区公司法务大奖
BGI Genomics Co. Ltd. | 深圳华大基因股份有限公司 | Qian Xu | 徐茜 |
CAISSA Tosun Development Co., Ltd. | 凯撒同盛发展股份有限公司 | Ning Gu | 谷柠 |
Chenqi Technology Limited | 如祺出行科技有限公司 | Faye Xu | 徐飞飞 |
Guangdong Genius Technology Co.,Ltd. | 广东小天才科技有限公司 | Elaine Zhang | 张伊岚 |
Guangzhou Ninja International Logistics Service Co., Ltd. | 广州能者国际物流服务有限公司 | Doris Liu | 刘颖然 |
Midea Real Esate Group Co.,Ltd | 美的置业集团有限公司 | Dongning Shang | 尚东宁 |
Shenzhen Angel FOF Management Co., LTD. | 深圳市天使投资引导基金管理有限公司 | Dong Zhang | 张冬 |
Tupperware (China)Co., Ltd | 特百惠(中国)有限公司 | Nancy Wei | 魏静 |
XTC New Energy Materials(Xiamen)Co., Ltd. | 厦门厦钨新能源材料股份有限公司 | Chao Wang | 汪超 |
ZX Inc. | 中旭未来 | Xudong Wang | 王旭东 |
Young Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区青年律师大奖 – 本地
Bao Xin Law Firm | 广东保信律师事务所 | Fan Yang | 杨帆 |
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 | Shen Zhou | 沈洲 |
CHN FINE Law Firm | 湖南华夏方圆律师事务所 | Lunlun Gu | 顾伦伦 |
Fidelity Law Firm | 福建信实律师事务所 | Jiaying Kang | 康嘉盈 |
Guangdong Guanghe Law Firm | 广东广和律师事务所 | Hongqiang Wang | 王宏强 |
Guangdong Kingbridge Law Firm | 广东金桥百信律师事务所 | Weilun Wu | 吴伟伦 |
Guangdong Lianyue Law Firm | 广东连越律师事务所 | Sida Fu | 付思达 |
Guangdong Tianxi Law Firm | 广东天习律师事务所 | Bin Liu | 刘斌 |
Hunan Tiandiren Lawfirm | 湖南天地人律师事务所 | Yang Fang | 方杨 |
Hunan Xiangjun Luhe Law firm | 湖南湘军麓和律师事务所 | Xuelian Wang | 王雪莲 |
Kingbridge Sun Kuong Law Firm | 金桥司徒邝(南沙)联营律师事务所 | Yu Yuan | 袁雨 |
P.C. Woo & Zhonglun W.D. LLP | 中伦文德胡百全(前海)联营律师事务所 | Zoraida Liang | 梁新越 |
SD&Partners | 广东晟典律师事务所 | Jiali Chen | 陈嘉丽 |
Sundial Law Firm | 信达律师事务所 | Minghui Yi | 易明辉 |
Wang Jing & GH Law Firm | 广悦律师事务所 | Ruiling Chen | 陈蕊伶 |
Young Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区青年律师大奖 – 非本地
AllBright Law Offices (Xiamen) | 锦天城(厦门)律师事务所 | Zongtai Li | 李宗泰 |
Commerce & Finance Law Offices, Shenzhen Office | 通商(深圳)律师事务所 | Xiaotong Lv | 吕晓彤 |
Dacheng Guangzhou Office | 大成(广州)律师事务所 | Baoting Yang | 杨宝廷 |
DeHeng Law Offices (Shenzhen) | 德恒(深圳)律师事务所 | Qi Gong | 宫琦 |
East&Concord Partners Guangzhou | 天达共和(广州)律师事务所 | Xue Bai | 白雪 |
Grandway Law Offices (Shenzhen) | 国枫律师事务所深圳办公室 | Bo Pan | 潘波 |
Han Kun Law Offices Shenzhen Office | 汉坤律师事务所深圳办公室 | Clarence Chung | 钟佳霖 |
Jincheng Tongda & Neal (Shenzhen) Law Firm | 金诚同达(深圳)律师事务所 | Lei Jia | 贾磊 |
Jingtian & Gongcheng, Guangzhou | 竞天公诚律师事务所广州办公室 | Feng Li | 李峰 |
JunHe LLP Guangzhou Office | 君合律师事务所广州办公室 | Xi Guo | 郭曦 |
King & Wood Mallesons Shenzhen Office | 金杜(深圳)律师事务所 | Yuang Qi | 齐元 |
Llinks Law Offices Shenzhen | 通力(深圳)律师事务所 | Candice Du | 杜梦洋 |
Merits & Tree(Wuhan)Law Offices | 植德(武汉)律师事务所 | Shichun Shen | 沈诗淳 |
Shihui Partners, Shenzhen Office | 世辉律师事务所深圳办公室 | Yulong Lai | 赖育龙 |
Zhong Lun Law Firm (Shenzhen Office) | 中伦(深圳)律师事务所 | Bijun Huang | 黄碧君 |
Woman Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区女性律师大奖 – 本地
Advance Law Firm | 华进律师事务所 | Vivian Zhang | 张娅 |
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 | Huaying Tang | 唐华英 |
Fujian Zenith Law Firm | 福建至理律师事务所 | Jinping Li | 李金萍 |
Guang Dong J&J Law Firm | 广东君信经纶君厚律师事务所 | Kemi Gong | 龚克迷 |
Guangdong Guanghe Law Firm | 广东广和律师事务所 | Daikun Xiong | 熊代琨 |
Guangdong Kingbridge Law Firm | 广东金桥百信律师事务所 | Feng Mei | 冯梅 |
Guangdong Lianyue Law Firm | 广东连越律师事务所 | Xiaoliu Chen | 陈晓玲 |
Guangdong Wumei Law Firm | 广东五美律师事务所 | Xiaofei Li | 李小非 |
Henan Chainwin Law Firm | 河南仟问律师事务所 | Qia Gao | 高恰 |
Hunan Tiandiren Lawfirm | 湖南天地人律师事务所 | Hongyan Zou | 邹红艳 |
P.C. Woo & Zhonglun W.D. LLP | 中伦文德胡百全(前海)联营律师事务所 | Alice Sun | 孙淘 |
Sundial Law Firm | 信达律师事务所 | Tianhui Wei | 魏天慧 |
Wang Jing & GH Law Firm | 广悦律师事务所 | Xiaolei Wang | 王晓蕾 |
Woman Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区女性律师大奖 – 非本地
AllBright Law Offices (Guangzhou) | 锦天城(广州)律师事务所 | Yang Lin | 林杨 |
Commerce & Finance Law Offices, Shenzhen Office | 通商(深圳)律师事务所 | Wei Sun | 孙溦 |
Dacheng Guangzhou Office | 大成(广州)律师事务所 | Jieyun N | 倪洁云 |
Global Law Office, Shenzhen Office | 环球(深圳)律师事务所 | Xiaoni Qi | 柒小妮 |
Guantao Law Firm Zhengzhou office | 观韬律师事务所郑州办公室 | Hongyi He | 何红艺 |
Han Kun Law Offices Shenzhen Office | 汉坤律师事务所深圳办公室 | Huiyi Song | 宋荟伊 |
Hui Ye Law Firm (Xiamen) | 汇业律师事务所(厦门) | Xiuming You | 尤秀明 |
Hui Zhong (Shenzhen) Law Firm | 汇仲(深圳)律师事务所 | Jing Tang | 汤竟 |
Jincheng Tongda & Neal (Guangzhou) Law Firm | 金诚同达(广州)律师事务所 | Rachel Chen | 陈艳 |
Jingtian & Gongcheng, Guangzhou | 竞天公诚律师事务所广州办公室 | Bo Yang | 杨波 |
JunHe LLP Shenzhen Office | 君合律师事务所深圳办公室 | Feng Shen | 沈凤 |
King & Wood Mallesons Shenzhen Office | 金杜(深圳)律师事务所 | Fu Peng | 彭馥 |
SGLA Law Firm, Guangzhou Offices | 中联(广州)律师事务所 | Rene Yang | 杨闰 |
Tian Yuan Law Firm, Shenzhen Office | 天元(深圳)律师事务所 | Nan Shen | 沈楠 |
Zhong Lun Law Firm (Wuhan Office) | 中伦(武汉)律师事务所 | Li Zhang | 张粒 |
Intellectual Property Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区知识产权律师大奖 – 本地
Advance Law Firm | 华进律师事务所 | Minhui Zeng | 曾旻辉 |
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 | Tieshan Zeng | 曾铁山 |
Funto Law Firm | 方图律师事务所 | Hua Ling He | 何华玲 |
Guangdong Junlong Law Firm | 广东君龙律师事务所 | Eddie Ding | 丁建春 |
Guangdong Lianyue Law Firm | 广东连越律师事务所 | Yiling Luo | 罗毅玲 |
Harvesting Law Firm | 广东敦和律师事务所 | Catherine Law | 罗亚菲 |
Hunan Tiandiren Lawfirm | 湖南天地人律师事务所 | Qingtian Liu | 刘擎天 |
SHM Law Firm | 广东深美律师事务所 | Qianwu Yang | 杨乾武 |
Sundial Law Firm | 信达律师事务所 | Zongpeng Wang | 王宗鹏 |
Wang Jing & GH Law Firm | 广悦律师事务所 | Yuwu Yu | 余裕武 |
Intellectual Property Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区知识产权律师大奖 – 非本地
Commerce & Finance Law Offices, Shenzhen Office | 通商(深圳)律师事务所 | Xiaoming Guo | 郭小明 |
Dacheng Shenzhen Office | 大成(深圳)律师事务所 | Chris Zhang | 张勇 |
DeHeng Law Offices (Shenzhen) | 德恒(深圳)律师事务所 | Jun Cui | 崔军 |
Han Kun Law Offices Shenzhen Office | 汉坤律师事务所深圳办公室 | Vivian He | 何玮 |
Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm (Guangzhou) | 金诚同达(广州)律师事务所 | Likun Ke | 柯立坤 |
JunHe LLP Guangzhou Office | 君合律师事务所广州办公室 | Donnie Wang | 王洁岽 |
JunZeJun (Guangzhou) Law Offices | 君泽君(广州)律师事务所 | Xiaoqu Wu | 吴小曲 |
King & Wood Mallesons Guangzhou Office | 金杜(广州)律师事务所 | Mingfei Sun | 孙明飞 |
Llinks Law Offices Shenzhen | 通力(深圳)律师事务所 | Cherri Che | 车小燕 |
LongAn Law Firm (Guangzhou) | 隆安(广州)律师事务所 | Rangjun Wu | 吴让军 |
TianTong Law Firm (Shenzhen Office) | 天同(深圳)律师事务所 | Zhe Zhuang | 庄喆 |
Zhong Lun Law Firm (Wuhan Office) | 中伦(武汉)律师事务所 | Dan He | 何丹 |
Dispute Resolution Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区争议解决律师大奖 – 本地
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 | Miaocai Chen | 陈妙财 |
ETR Law Firm | 广东广信君达律师事务所 | MuZhou Liang | 梁沐周 |
Fidelity Law Firm | 福建信实律师事务所 | Yu Chen | 陈昱 |
Grandlex Law Firm | 广东国匠律师事务所 | Dehu Wang | 王德虎 |
Guangdong Kingbridge Law Firm | 广东金桥百信律师事务所 | Yangli Zhang | 张杨莉 |
Guangdong Lianyue Law Firm | 广东连越律师事务所 | Heyden Zhang | 张振华 |
Guangdong South-Freedom Law Firm | 广东南方福瑞德律师事务所 | ZhiBin Song | 宋志斌 |
Huang & Huang Co. Law Firm | 广东恒运律师事务所 | Hui Huang | 黄晖 |
SD&Partners | 广东晟典律师事务所 | Yongjing Wang | 王永敬 |
SINO-WIN Law Firm | 广东胜伦律师事务所 | Chao Wang | 王超 |
Sundial Law Firm | 信达律师事务所 | Xingao Yang | 杨新高 |
TOPWE Law Firm | 拓维律师事务所 | Hanwei Zhang | 张罕溦 |
Wang Jing & GH Law Firm | 广悦律师事务所 | Yonghong Ren | 任永鸿 |
Dispute Resolution Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区争议解决律师大奖 – 非本地
AllBright Law Offices (Changsha) | 锦天城(长沙)律师事务所 | Jingming Liu | 刘景明 |
City Development Law Firm (Zhengzhou) | 建纬(郑州)律师事务所 | Kui Li | 栗魁 |
Commerce & Finance Law Offices, Shenzhen Office | 通商(深圳)律师事务所 | Wu Wen | 文武 |
Grandall Law Firm (Changsha) | 国浩律师(长沙)事务所 | De Luo | 罗德 |
Guantao Law Firm Shenzhen Office | 观韬律师事务所深圳办公室 | Frank Huang | 黄福龙 |
Hui Zhong (Shenzhen) Law Firm | 汇仲(深圳)律师事务所 | Jack Law | 罗志强 |
Jincheng Tongda & Neal (Shenzhen) Law Firm | 金诚同达(深圳)律师事务所 | Alan Li | 李岚 |
Jingtian & Gongcheng, Guangzhou | 竞天公诚律师事务所广州办公室 | Jian Hu | 胡键 |
JunHe LLP Shenzhen Office | 君合律师事务所深圳办公室 | Yuqing Zhang | 张愉庆 |
King & Wood Mallesons | 金杜(广州)律师事务所 | Ke Cheng | 程珂 |
Llinks Law Offices Shenzhen | 通力(深圳)律师事务所 | Alex Huang | 黄海 |
Tian Yuan Law Firm, Shenzhen Office | 天元(深圳)律师事务所 | Nan Shen | 沈楠 |
TianTong Law Firm (Shenzhen Office) | 天同(深圳)律师事务所 | Yaoquan Chen | 陈耀权 |
W&H Law Firm (Guangzhou) | 炜衡(广州)律师事务所 | Yu Zheng | 郑宇 |
Zhong Lun Law Firm (Shenzhen Office) | 中伦(深圳)律师事务所 | Dong Feng | 冯东 |
Managing Partner of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区管理合伙人大奖 – 本地
Advance Law Firm | 华进律师事务所 | Ye Li | 黎叶 |
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 | Shu Gao | 高树 |
Dewell & Partners Law Firm | 湖北得伟君尚律师事务所 | Xue'en Cai | 蔡学恩 |
ETR Law Firm | 广东广信君达律师事务所 | Chuanyuan Deng | 邓传远 |
Guangdong Kingbridge Law Firm | 广东金桥百信律师事务所 | Zhe Mo | 莫哲 |
Guangdong Lianyue Law Firm | 广东连越律师事务所 | Tao Liu | 刘涛 |
Henan Chainwin Law Firm | 河南仟问律师事务所 | Hulin Zhao | 赵虎林 |
Hunan Tiandiren Lawfirm | 湖南天地人律师事务所 | Yuhua Zhai | 翟玉华 |
NEO-ARK Law Firm | 广东洛亚律师事务所 | Jianqiu Huang | 黄建球 |
SD&Partners | 广东晟典律师事务所 | Yongjing Wang | 王永敬 |
TOPWE Law Firm | 拓维律师事务所 | Yongdong Xu | 许永东 |
Wang Jing & GH Law Firm | 广悦律师事务所 | Shan Huang | 黄山 |
Managing Partner of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区管理合伙人大奖 – 非本地
AllBright Law Offices (Xiamen) | 锦天城(厦门)律师事务所 | Fuzhi Lin | 林富志 |
Commerce & Finance Law Offices, Shenzhen Office | 通商(深圳)律师事务所 | Wen Liu | 刘问 |
DeHeng Law Offices (Shenzhen) | 德恒(深圳)律师事务所 | Youchen Lv | 吕友臣 |
Global Law Office, Shenzhen Office | 环球(深圳)律师事务所 | Cheng Li | 李琤 |
Guantao Law Firm Xiamen Office | 观韬律师事务所厦门办公室 | Yansheng LI | 李焰盛 |
Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm (Shenzhen & Guangzhou) | 金诚同达(深圳 )& (广州)律师事务所 | Yinhong Liu | 刘胤宏 |
Jingtian & Gongcheng, Shenzhen | 竞天公诚律师事务所深圳办公室 | Pengfei Xu | 徐鹏飞 |
JunHe LLP Guangzhou Office | 君合律师事务所广州办公室 | Ping Zhang | 张平 |
Kangda Law Firm Guangzhou Office | 康达(广州)律师事务所 | Xuechen Wang | 王学琛 |
King & Wood Mallesons Shenzhen Office | 金杜律师事务所深圳办公室 | Xianlong Zhao | 赵显龙 |
Tahota (Shenzhen) Law Firm | 泰和泰(深圳)律师事务所 | Yuanbing Huang | 黄远兵 |
V&T Law Firm (Shenzhen) | 万商天勤(深圳)律师事务所 | Zhi Zhang | 张志 |
Zhong Lun Law Firm (Wuhan Office) | 中伦(武汉)律师事务所 | Mingchun Zou | 邹明春 |
Capital Markets Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区资本市场律师事务所大奖 – 本地
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 |
ETR Law Firm | 广东广信君达律师事务所 |
Guangdong Guanghe Law Firm | 广东广和律师事务所 |
Guangdong Kingbridge Law Firm | 广东金桥百信律师事务所 |
Henan Chainwin Law Firm | 河南仟问律师事务所 |
Hunan Tiandiren Lawfirm | 湖南天地人律师事务所 |
Sundial Law Firm | 信达律师事务所 |
Capital Markets Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区资本市场律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
AllBright Law Offices | 锦天城律师事务所 |
Commerce & Finance Law Offices | 通商律师事务所 |
Global Law Office | 环球律师事务所 |
Grandall Law Firm | 国浩律师事务所 |
Grandway Law Offices | 国枫律师事务所 |
Haiwen & Partners | 海问律师事务所 |
Han Kun Law Offices | 汉坤律师事务所 |
Jia Yuan Law Offices | 嘉源律师事务所 |
Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm | 金诚同达律师事务所 |
Jingtian & Gongcheng | 竞天公诚律师事务所 |
JunHe LLP | 君合律师事务所 |
Kangda Law Firm | 康达律师事务所 |
King & Wood Mallesons | 金杜律师事务所 |
Tian Yuan Law Firm | 天元律师事务所 |
Zhong Lun Law Firm | 中伦律师事务所 |
Cyber Security and Data Protection Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区网络安全与数据保护律师事务所大奖 – 本地
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 |
ETR Law Firm | 广东广信君达律师事务所 |
Guangdong Zhuo Jian Law Firm | 广东卓建律师事务所 |
Hunan Tiandiren Lawfirm | 湖南天地人律师事务所 |
Wang Jing & GH Law Firm | 广悦律师事务所 |
Wei Tu Law Firm | 广东伟途律师事务所 |
Cyber Security and Data Protection Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区网络安全与数据保护律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
AllBright Law Offices | 锦天城律师事务所 |
Commerce & Finance Law Offices | 通商律师事务所 |
Dacheng Law Offices | 大成律师事务所 |
Han Kun Law Offices | 汉坤律师事务所 |
Jingtian & Gongcheng | 竞天公诚律师事务所 |
JunHe LLP | 君合律师事务所 |
Kangda Law Firm | 康达律师事务所 |
Tahota Law Firm | 泰和泰律师事务所 |
Zhong Lun Law Firm | 中伦律师事务所 |
Regulatory Compliance Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区合规律师事务所大奖 – 本地
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 |
CHN FINE Law Firm | 湖南华夏方圆律师事务所 |
ETR Law Firm | 广东广信君达律师事务所 |
Guang Dong J&J Law Firm | 广东君信经纶君厚律师事务所 |
Guangdong Jiadesen Law Firm | 广东嘉得信律师事务所 |
Guangdong Zhuo Jian Law Firm | 广东卓建律师事务所 |
Hunan Tiandiren Lawfirm | 湖南天地人律师事务所 |
Sundial Law Firm | 信达律师事务所 |
Wang Jing & GH Law Firm | 广悦律师事务所 |
Regulatory Compliance Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区合规律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
AllBright Law Offices | 锦天城律师事务所 |
Commerce & Finance Law Offices | 通商律师事务所 |
Dacheng Law Offices | 大成律师事务所 |
DeHeng Law Offices | 德恒律师事务所 |
Global Law Office | 环球律师事务所 |
Guantao Law Firm | 观韬律师事务所 |
Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm | 金诚同达律师事务所 |
Jingtian & Gongcheng | 竞天公诚律师事务所 |
JunHe LLP | 君合律师事务所 |
Kangda Law Firm | 康达律师事务所 |
Tahota Law Firm | 泰和泰律师事务所 |
Tian Yuan Law Firm | 天元律师事务所 |
Zhong Lun Law Firm | 中伦律师事务所 |
Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区争议解决律师事务所大奖 – 本地
Bao Xin Law Firm | 广东保信律师事务所 |
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 |
ETR Law Firm | 广东广信君达律师事务所 |
Fidelity Law Firm | 福建信实律师事务所 |
Guangdong Cheng Gong Law Firm | 广东诚公律师事务所 |
Guangdong Guanghe Law Firm | 广东广和律师事务所 |
Guangdong Kingbridge Law Firm | 广东金桥百信律师事务所 |
Guangdong Lawsons Law Office | 广东诺臣律师事务所 |
Guangdong South-Freedom Law Firm | 广东南方福瑞德律师事务所 |
Henan Chainwin Law Firm | 河南仟问律师事务所 |
Hunan Tiandiren Lawfirm | 湖南天地人律师事务所 |
Hunan Xiangjun Luhe Law firm | 湖南湘军麓和律师事务所 |
Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区争议解决律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
AllBright Law Offices | 锦天城律师事务所 |
Dacheng Law Offices | 大成律师事务所 |
Global Law Office | 环球律师事务所 |
Grandall Law Firm | 国浩律师事务所 |
Guantao Law Firm | 观韬律师事务所 |
Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm | 金诚同达律师事务所 |
Jingtian & Gongcheng | 竞天公诚律师事务所 |
JunHe LLP | 君合律师事务所 |
King & Wood Mallesons | 金杜律师事务所 |
Tian Yuan Law Firm | 天元律师事务所 |
TianTong Law Firm | 天同律师事务所 |
W&H Law Firm | 炜衡律师事务所 |
Zhong Lun Law Firm | 中伦律师事务所 |
Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区知识产权律师事务所大奖 – 本地
Advance Law Firm | 华进律师事务所 |
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 |
CHN FINE Law Firm | 湖南华夏方圆律师事务所 |
ETR Law Firm | 广东广信君达律师事务所 |
Funto Law Firm | 方图律师事务所 |
Guangdong Guanghe Law Firm | 广东广和律师事务所 |
Guangdong Junlong Law Firm | 广东君龙律师事务所 |
Guangdong Zhuo Jian Law Firm | 广东卓建律师事务所 |
Harvesting Law Firm | 广东敦和律师事务所 |
Hunan Tiandiren Lawfirm | 湖南天地人律师事务所 |
SHM Law Firm | 广东深美律师事务所 |
Zhi Heng Law Firm | 广东知恒律师事务所 |
Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区知识产权律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
AllBright Law Offices | 锦天城律师事务所 |
Dacheng Law Offices | 大成律师事务所 |
DeHeng Law Offices | 德恒律师事务所 |
Han Kun Law Offices | 汉坤律师事务所 |
Hui Ye Law Firm | 汇业律师事务所 |
Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm | 金诚同达律师事务所 |
Jingtian & Gongcheng | 竞天公诚律师事务所 |
JunHe LLP | 君合律师事务所 |
King & Wood Mallesons | 金杜律师事务所 |
LongAn Law Firm | 隆安律师事务所 |
Tahota Law Firm | 泰和泰律师事务所 |
Tian Yuan Law Firm | 天元律师事务所 |
Zhong Lun Law Firm | 中伦律师事务所 |
International Arbitration Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China 年度华南华中地区国际仲裁律师事务所大奖
AnJie Broad Law Firm | 安杰世泽律师事务所 |
Commerce & Finance Law Offices | 通商律师事务所 |
Dacheng Law Offices | 大成律师事务所 |
Grandall Law Firm | 国浩律师事务所 |
Han Kun Law Offices | 汉坤律师事务所 |
Hui Zhong Law Firm | 汇仲律师事务所 |
Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm | 金诚同达律师事务所 |
Jingtian & Gongcheng | 竞天公诚律师事务所 |
JunHe LLP | 君合律师事务所 |
Kangda Law Firm | 康达律师事务所 |
Tian Yuan Law Firm | 天元律师事务所 |
Zhong Lun Law Firm | 中伦律师事务所 |
International Trade Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区国际贸易律师事务所大奖 – 本地
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 |
CHN FINE Law Firm | 湖南华夏方圆律师事务所 |
Everwin Law Office | 广东法制盛邦律师事务所 |
Guangdong Kingbridge Law Firm | 广东金桥百信律师事务所 |
Hunan Tiandiren Lawfirm | 湖南天地人律师事务所 |
International Trade Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区国际贸易律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
AllBright Law Offices | 锦天城律师事务所 |
AnJie Broad Law Firm | 安杰世泽律师事务所 |
Commerce & Finance Law Offices | 通商律师事务所 |
Dacheng Law Offices | 大成律师事务所 |
East & Concord Partners | 天达共和律师事务所 |
Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm | 金诚同达律师事务所 |
Jingtian & Gongcheng | 竞天公诚律师事务所 |
JunHe LLP | 君合律师事务所 |
V&T Law Firm | 万商天勤律师事务所 |
Zhong Lun Law Firm | 中伦律师事务所 |
Maritime Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区海事海商律师事务所大奖 – 本地
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 |
ETR Law Firm | 广东广信君达律师事务所 |
Guangdong Guanghe Law Firm | 广东广和律师事务所 |
Huang & Huang Co. Law Firm | 广东恒运律师事务所 |
Wang Jing & Co. Law Firm | 敬海律师事务所 |
Maritime Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区海事海商律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
AllBright Law Offices | 锦天城律师事务所 |
AnJie Broad Law Firm | 安杰世泽律师事务所 |
Commerce & Finance Law Offices | 通商律师事务所 |
Dacheng Law Offices | 大成律师事务所 |
Grandall Law Firm | 国浩律师事务所 |
Jingtian & Gongcheng | 竞天公诚律师事务所 |
Kangda Law Firm | 康达律师事务所 |
V&T Law Firm | 万商天勤律师事务所 |
Yingke Law Firm | 盈科律师事务所 |
Zhong Lun Law Firm | 中伦律师事务所 |
Real Estate & Construction Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区房地产与建设工程律师事务所大奖 – 本地
Bao Xin Law Firm | 广东保信律师事务所 |
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 |
Guangdong Ford Lawyers Firm | 广东孚道律师事务所 |
Guangdong Guanghe Law Firm | 广东广和律师事务所 |
Guangdong Lawsons Law Office | 广东诺臣律师事务所 |
Guangdong Zhuo Jian Law Firm | 广东卓建律师事务所 |
Guangxi Jiankai Law Firm | 广西建开律师事务所 |
Henan Chainwin Law Firm | 河南仟问律师事务所 |
Hunan Tiandiren Lawfirm | 湖南天地人律师事务所 |
NEO-ARK Law Firm | 广东洛亚律师事务所 |
TOPWE Law Firm | 拓维律师事务所 |
Wang Jing & GH Law Firm | 广悦律师事务所 |
Real Estate & Construction Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区房地产与建设工程律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
AllBright Law Offices | 锦天城律师事务所 |
City Development Law Firm | 建纬律师事务所 |
Dacheng Law Offices | 大成律师事务所 |
DeHeng Law Offices | 德恒律师事务所 |
Guantao Law Firm | 观韬律师事务所 |
Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm | 金诚同达律师事务所 |
Jingtian & Gongcheng | 竞天公诚律师事务所 |
JunHe LLP | 君合律师事务所 |
JunZeJun Law Offices | 君泽君律师事务所 |
LongAn Law Firm | 隆安律师事务所 |
Tahota Law Firm | 泰和泰律师事务所 |
V&T Law Firm | 万商天勤律师事务所 |
Zhong Lun Law Firm | 中伦律师事务所 |
Insolvency & Restructuring Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区破产重组律师事务所大奖 – 本地
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 |
ETR Law Firm | 广东广信君达律师事务所 |
Fidelity Law Firm | 福建信实律师事务所 |
Guang Dong J&J Law Firm | 广东君信经纶君厚律师事务所 |
Guangdong Guanghe Law Firm | 广东广和律师事务所 |
Guangdong Kingbridge Law Firm | 广东金桥百信律师事务所 |
Guangdong Zhuo Jian Law Firm | 广东卓建律师事务所 |
Henan Chainwin Law Firm | 河南仟问律师事务所 |
Hubei Weili Law Firm | 湖北维力律师事务所 |
Hunan Tiandiren Lawfirm | 湖南天地人律师事务所 |
Insolvency & Restructuring Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区破产重组律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
AllBright Law Offices | 锦天城律师事务所 |
Commerce & Finance Law Offices | 通商律师事务所 |
Dacheng Law Offices | 大成律师事务所 |
DeHeng Law Offices | 德恒律师事务所 |
Global Law Office | 环球律师事务所 |
Guantao Law Firm | 观韬律师事务所 |
Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm | 金诚同达律师事务所 |
Jingtian & Gongcheng | 竞天公诚律师事务所 |
JunHe LLP | 君合律师事务所 |
King & Wood Mallesons | 金杜律师事务所 |
LongAn Law Firm | 隆安律师事务所 |
Tahota Law Firm | 泰和泰律师事务所 |
Tian Yuan Law Firm | 天元律师事务所 |
Zhong Lun Law Firm | 中伦律师事务所 |
Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区科技、媒体与电信律师事务所大奖 – 本地
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 |
ETR Law Firm | 广东广信君达律师事务所 |
Wang Jing & GH Law Firm | 广悦律师事务所 |
Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区科技、媒体与电信律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
AllBright Law Offices | 锦天城律师事务所 |
Commerce & Finance Law Offices | 通商律师事务所 |
DOCVIT Law Firm | 道可特律师事务所 |
Global Law Office | 环球律师事务所 |
Haiwen & Partners | 海问律师事务所 |
Han Kun Law Offices | 汉坤律师事务所 |
Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm | 金诚同达律师事务所 |
Jingtian & Gongcheng | 竞天公诚律师事务所 |
JunHe LLP | 君合律师事务所 |
Shihui Partners | 世辉律师事务所 |
Tian Yuan Law Firm | 天元律师事务所 |
Zhong Lun Law Firm | 中伦律师事务所 |
Wealth Management Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区财富管理律师事务所大奖 – 本地
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 |
Guangdong Wumei Law Firm | 广东五美律师事务所 |
Meiyijia Law Firm | 美宜家律师事务所 |
Sphere logic Partners | 福建世礼律师事务所 |
Wang Jing & GH Law Firm | 广悦律师事务所 |
Wealth Management Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China – Non Local 年度华南华中地区财富管理律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
AllBright Law Offices | 锦天城律师事务所 |
Commerce & Finance Law Offices | 通商律师事务所 |
Dacheng Law Offices | 大成律师事务所 |
East & Concord Partners | 天达共和律师事务所 |
Grandall Law Firm | 国浩律师事务所 |
Guantao Law Firm | 观韬律师事务所 |
Han Kun Law Offices | 汉坤律师事务所 |
Jingtian & Gongcheng | 竞天公诚律师事务所 |
JunHe LLP | 君合律师事务所 |
Tian Yuan Law Firm | 天元律师事务所 |
Yingke Law Firm | 盈科律师事务所 |
Zhong Lun Law Firm | 中伦律师事务所 |
Rising Law Firm of the Year : South China & Central China – Local年度华南华中地区最具潜力律师事务所大奖 – 本地
Funto Law Firm | 方图律师事务所 |
Guangdong Tianxi Law Firm | 广东天习律师事务所 |
Guangdong Wumei Law Firm | 广东五美律师事务所 |
Harvesting Law Firm | 广东敦和律师事务所 |
King & Win Law Firm | 青狮云岸律师事务所 |
Wei Tu Law Firm | 广东伟途律师事务所 |
Rising Law Firm of the Year : South China & Central China – Non Local年度华南华中地区最具潜力律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
Guang Ji Law Firm | 北京广吉律师事务所 |
SGLA Law Firm | 中联律师事务所 |
Shihui Partners | 世辉律师事务所 |
Free-Trade Zone Law Firm of the Year : South China & Central China 年度华南华中地区自由贸易区律师事务所大奖
AllBright Law Offices | 锦天城律师事务所 |
AnJie Broad Law Firm | 安杰世泽律师事务所 |
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 |
CHN FINE Law Firm | 湖南华夏方圆律师事务所 |
Commerce & Finance Law Offices | 通商律师事务所 |
Hunan Tiandiren Lawfirm | 湖南天地人律师事务所 |
P.C. Woo & Zhonglun W.D. LLP | 中伦文德胡百全(前海)联营律师事务所 |
SGLA Law Firm | 中联律师事务所 |
V&T Law Firm | 万商天勤律师事务所 |
Zhong Lun Law Firm | 中伦律师事务所 |
Fujian Law Firm of the Year 年度福建地区律师事务所大奖
Fidelity Law Firm | 福建信实律师事务所 |
Fujian Tenet & Partners Law Firm | 福建天衡联合律师事务所 |
Fujian Zenith Law Firm | 福建至理律师事务所 |
Sphere logic Partners | 福建世礼律师事务所 |
TOPWE Law Firm | 拓维律师事务所 |
Hunan Law Firm of the Year 年度湖南地区律师事务所大奖
CHN FINE Law Firm | 湖南华夏方圆律师事务所 |
Hunan Tiandiren Lawfirm | 湖南天地人律师事务所 |
Hunan Xiangjun Luhe Law firm | 湖南湘军麓和律师事务所 |
Hubei Law Firm of the Year 年度湖北地区律师事务所大奖
Hubei Guanzhu Law Firm | 湖北观筑律师事务所 |
Hubei Weili Law Firm | 湖北维力律师事务所 |
Wuluo Law Firm | 湖北武珞律师事务所 |
South China & Central China Law Firm of the Year - Local 年度华南华中地区律师事务所大奖 – 本地
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 |
ETR Law Firm | 广东广信君达律师事务所 |
Fidelity Law Firm | 福建信实律师事务所 |
Fujian Tenet & Partners Law Firm | 福建天衡联合律师事务所 |
Guang Dong J&J Law Firm | 广东君信经纶君厚律师事务所 |
Guangdong Dena Law Firm | 广东德纳律师事务所 |
Guangdong Guanghe Law Firm | 广东广和律师事务所 |
Guangdong Kingbridge Law Firm | 广东金桥百信律师事务所 |
Guangdong Lianyue Law Firm | 广东连越律师事务所 |
Guangdong Zhuo Jian Law Firm | 广东卓建律师事务所 |
Henan Chainwin Law Firm | 河南仟问律师事务所 |
Hunan Tiandiren Lawfirm | 湖南天地人律师事务所 |
SD&Partners | 广东晟典律师事务所 |
Sundial Law Firm | 信达律师事务所 |
Wang Jing & GH Law Firm | 广悦律师事务所 |
South China & Central China Law Firm of the Year - Non Local 年度华南华中地区律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
AllBright Law Offices | 锦天城律师事务所 |
Commerce & Finance Law Offices | 通商律师事务所 |
Dacheng Law Offices | 大成律师事务所 |
DeHeng Law Offices | 德恒律师事务所 |
Guantao Law Firm | 观韬律师事务所 |
Han Kun Law Offices | 汉坤律师事务所 |
Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm | 金诚同达律师事务所 |
Jingtian & Gongcheng | 竞天公诚律师事务所 |
JunHe LLP | 君合律师事务所 |
Kangda Law Firm | 康达律师事务所 |
King & Wood Mallesons | 金杜律师事务所 |
LongAn Law Firm | 隆安律师事务所 |
Tahota Law Firm | 泰和泰律师事务所 |
Tian Yuan Law Firm | 天元律师事务所 |
W&H Law Firm | 炜衡律师事务所 |
Zhong Lun Law Firm | 中伦律师事务所 |
2024 ALB中国区域市场法律大奖:华南地区&华中地区 | ALB China Regional Law Awards 2024: South China & Central China
时间 Date:2024年12月6日,星期五 | 6th December 2024, Friday
地点 Venue: 深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店 The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen
着装要求 Dress Code:礼服或正装 Black tie/Formal
ALB China Regional Law Awards 2024: South China & Central China
Debt Market Deal of the Year: South China & Central China 年度华南华中地区债券市场交易大奖
China Construction Bank's Issuance of USD 1 billion Green Bond and CNH 2 billion Blue Bond
Firms: Clifford Chance LLP; Dacheng Law Offices; JunHe LLP; Linklaters
Equity Market Deal of the Year: South China & Central China 年度华南华中地区股票市场交易大奖
Midea’s IPO on Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Firms: Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer; Jia Yuan Law Offices; King & Wood Mallesons; Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom
M&A Deal of the Year: South China & Central China 年度华南华中地区并购交易大奖
ZEMIC takes jet fighter public
Firms: Jia Yuan Law Offices
Compliance and Risk Management In-House Team of the Year: South China & Central China 年度华南华中地区合规和风险管理公司法务组大奖
Legal Shared Center of Midea Real Esate Group | 美的置业集团法务共享中心 |
Intellectual Property In-House Team of the Year: South China & Central China年度华南华中地区知识产权公司法务组大奖
Heytea In-House Team | 喜茶法务部 |
In-House Team of the Year: South China & Central China 年度华南华中地区公司法务组大奖
Capital Market Legal Team of Ontime Mobility | 如祺出行资本市场法务团队 |
In-House Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China 年度华南华中地区公司法务大奖
BGI Genomics Co. Ltd. | 深圳华大基因股份有限公司 | Qian Xu | 徐茜 |
Young Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区青年律师大奖 – 本地
P.C. Woo & Zhonglun W.D. LLP | 中伦文德胡百全(前海)联营律师事务所 | Zoraida Liang | 梁新越 |
Young Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区青年律师大奖 – 非本地
Zhong Lun Law Firm (Shenzhen Office) | 中伦(深圳)律师事务所 | Bijun Huang | 黄碧君 |
Woman Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区女性律师大奖 – 本地
Hunan Tiandiren Lawfirm | 湖南天地人律师事务所 | Hongyan Zou | 邹红艳 |
Woman Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区女性律师大奖 – 非本地
Jingtian & Gongcheng, Guangzhou | 竞天公诚律师事务所广州办公室 | Bo Yang | 杨波 |
Intellectual Property Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区知识产权律师大奖 – 本地
Advance Law Firm | 华进律师事务所 | Minhui Zeng | 曾旻辉 |
Intellectual Property Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区知识产权律师大奖 – 非本地
DeHeng Law Offices (Shenzhen) | 德恒(深圳)律师事务所 | Jun Cui | 崔军 |
Dispute Resolution Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区争议解决律师大奖 – 本地
Huang & Huang Co. Law Firm | 广东恒运律师事务所 | Hui Huang | 黄晖 |
Dispute Resolution Lawyer of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区争议解决律师大奖 – 非本地
Zhong Lun Law Firm (Shenzhen Office) | 中伦(深圳)律师事务所 | Dong Feng | 冯东 |
Managing Partner of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区管理合伙人大奖 – 本地
ETR Law Firm | 广东广信君达律师事务所 | Chuanyuan Deng | 邓传远 |
Managing Partner of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区管理合伙人大奖 – 非本地
JunHe LLP Guangzhou Office | 君合律师事务所广州分所 | Ping Zhang | 张平 |
Capital Markets Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区资本市场律师事务所大奖 – 本地
Sundial Law Firm | 信达律师事务所 |
Capital Markets Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区资本市场律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
AllBright Law Offices | 锦天城律师事务所 |
Cyber Security and Data Protection Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区网络安全与数据保护律师事务所大奖 – 本地
Wang Jing & GH Law Firm | 广悦律师事务所 |
Cyber Security and Data Protection Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区网络安全与数据保护律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
Commerce & Finance Law Offices | 通商律师事务所 |
Regulatory Compliance Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区合规律师事务所大奖 – 本地
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 |
Regulatory Compliance Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区合规律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
Commerce & Finance Law Offices | 通商律师事务所 |
Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区争议解决律师事务所大奖 – 本地
ETR Law Firm | 广东广信君达律师事务所 |
Dispute Resolution Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区争议解决律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
Zhong Lun Law Firm | 中伦律师事务所 |
Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区知识产权律师事务所大奖 – 本地
Advance Law Firm | 华进律师事务所 |
Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区知识产权律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
Jingtian & Gongcheng | 竞天公诚律师事务所 |
International Arbitration Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区国际仲裁律师事务所大奖
Hui Zhong Law Firm | 汇仲律师事务所 |
International Trade Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区国际贸易律师事务所大奖 – 本地
Guangdong Kingbridge Law Firm | 广东金桥百信律师事务所 |
International Trade Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区国际贸易律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm | 金诚同达律师事务所 |
Maritime Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区海事海商律师事务所大奖 – 本地
Wang Jing & Co. Law Firm | 敬海律师事务所 |
Maritime Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区海事海商律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
Kangda Law Firm | 康达律师事务所 |
Real Estate & Construction Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区房地产与建设工程律师事务所大奖 – 本地
Guangdong Zhuo Jian Law Firm | 广东卓建律师事务所 |
Real Estate & Construction Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区房地产与建设工程律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
City Development Law Firm | 建纬律师事务所 |
Insolvency & Restructuring Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区破产重组律师事务所大奖 – 本地
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 |
Insolvency & Restructuring Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区破产重组律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
King & Wood Mallesons | 金杜律师事务所 |
Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区科技、媒体与电信律师事务所大奖 – 本地
Wang Jing & GH Law Firm | 广悦律师事务所 |
Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Non Local 年度华南华中地区科技、媒体与电信律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
Han Kun Law Offices | 汉坤律师事务所 |
Wealth Management Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China - Local 年度华南华中地区财富管理律师事务所大奖 – 本地
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 |
Wealth Management Law Firm of the Year: South China & Central China – Non Local 年度华南华中地区财富管理律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
Han Kun Law Offices | 汉坤律师事务所 |
Rising Law Firm of the Year : South China & Central China – Local年度华南华中地区最具潜力律师事务所大奖 – 本地
Funto Law Firm | 广东方图律师事务所 |
Rising Law Firm of the Year : South China & Central China – Non Local年度华南华中地区最具潜力律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
SGLA Law Firm | 中联律师事务所 |
Free-Trade Zone Law Firm of the Year : South China & Central China 年度华南华中地区自由贸易区律师事务所大奖
AllBright Law Offices | 锦天城律师事务所 |
Fujian Law Firm of the Year 年度福建地区律师事务所大奖
Fidelity Law Firm | 福建信实律师事务所 |
Hunan Law Firm of the Year 年度湖南地区律师事务所大奖
Hunan Tiandiren Lawfirm | 湖南天地人律师事务所 |
Hubei Law Firm of the Year 年度湖北地区律师事务所大奖
Wuluo Law Firm | 湖北武珞律师事务所 |
South China & Central China Law Firm of the Year - Local 年度华南华中地区律师事务所大奖 – 本地
China Commercial Law Firm | 华商律师事务所 |
South China & Central China Law Firm of the Year - Non Local 年度华南华中地区律师事务所大奖 – 非本地
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2024 ALB中国区域市场法律大奖:华南地区&华中地区 | ALB China Regional Law Awards 2024: South China & Central China
时间 Date:2024年12月6日,星期五 | 6th December 2024, Friday
地点 Venue: 深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店 The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen
着装要求 Dress Code:礼服或正装 Black tie/Formal
Join us and book your table now! 携手共同见证荣耀时刻!
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For reservation assistance, please contact 座席预订,敬请联系:
Yvonne Cheung 张裕裕 at yvonne.cheung@tr.com/+852 3952 5814
Steffi Yang 杨绮繁 at qifan.yang@tr.com/+86 136 8326 8390
Steven Zhao 赵树群 at s.zhao@tr.com/+86 186 1004 8891
2024 ALB中国区域市场法律大奖:华南地区&华中地区 | ALB China Regional Law Awards 2024: South China & Central China
时间 Date:2024年12月6日,星期五 | 6th December 2024, Friday
地点 Venue: 深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店 The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen
着装要求 Dress Code:礼服或正装 Black tie/Formal
How do I know if I am eligible to make a submission?
We highly encourage all firms, individuals and in-house teams to submit, as we have numerous award categories to choose from. We welcome both past participants and newcomers to join the submission for the awards.
Is self-nomination permitted?
Yes, we accept self-nominated submissions. We also accept third-party submissions, should you wish to nominate an external party or vice versa.
Is there a fee required to make a submission in the law awards?
No, there is no fee payment required for you or your firm/team to make a submission.
When will the finalists and winners be announced?
The shortlist of finalists will be released around 4-8 weeks prior to the awards ceremony. The winners will be exclusively announced at the awards ceremony on 6 December, 2024 in Shenzhen.
How are the finalists chosen?
Asian Legal Business will compile all of the submission entries, and the ALB editorial and research teams will extensively review each submission to ensure the criteria are met in order to advance to the shortlist of finalists. We stress that this process is fair, impartial and not subject to external influences.
How are the winners chosen?
Once the shortlist of finalists have been announced, an independent judging panel will review and select their top three choices for the award categories they are assigned to. The scores for each award category will be tabulated, and the individual/firm/team with the highest score will be announced as the winner.
What are the award categories that I can take part in?
Any law firms, in-house teams or individuals may take part in multiple award categories if appropriate. The researchers reserve the right to move entries from one category to another if they feel it appropriate. The researchers’ decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Who will be on the judging panel for ALB China Law Awards?
There will be an independent judging panel of at least 25 senior and expert legal industry leaders to review the submission materials. The judging panel will be selected on the basis of their expertise and knowledge, and will be comprised from various sectors to correspond to the diverse list of award categories. The identities of judging panel are kept confidential prior to the awarding ceremony.
What will my contact information/my client’s information be used for?
All contact information provided will not be disclosed to external parties; and will only be seen by our ALB research team and the judges panel. We keep the information on record internally, in case we need to contact you or your client regarding any questions or discrepancies in the submission form.
Where will my name/firm name/team name be published if we are a finalist or winner?
As a finalist and/or winner, your firm/team/individual name will be published in ALB awards materials and print magazine. For more information, please contact us.
Is my submission confidential?
Any information you submit will only be reviewed by the ALB team and independent judging panel, whose names will be published. The material submitted will only be disclosed to the above; if there is any information that is strictly confidential, please mark clearly on the nomination form. Though we do our best to maintain the security of the information you provide, any information you transmit to us is done at your own risk and Thomson Reuters is not responsible for any unauthorized transmission of information.
I would like to sponsor the ALB Law Awards.
Please contact Amantha.Chia@thomsonreuters.com or (+65) 6973 8258 for further details regarding sponsorship.
I am interested in being an official partner of the ALB Law Awards, as a media/legal association.
Please contact LawAwards@tr.com .
My practice area or specialty is not listed, but I would like to participate in the Awards.
Please get in touch with our ALB Law Awards research team at LawAwards@tr.com .
Can I participate in Awards across the region?
Yes, you can participate in more than one market. Please note there may be specific criteria for each market.
Who should attend the Awards Ceremony? Can I attend?
We welcome all finalists and non-finalists to join the Awards Ceremony; please contact Amantha.Chia@thomsonreuters.com or (+65) 6973 8258.
I would like to order a winner’s trophy and/or certificate (for finalists and winners).
Please contact Amantha.Chia@thomsonreuters.com or (+65) 6973 8258.
How can I receive communications related to the ALB China Law Awards?
Please email LawAwards@tr.com to subscribe to the ALB mailing list.
Asian Legal Business – Who are We?
Asian Legal Business (ALB) is owned by Thomson Reuters, the world’s leading source of intelligent information for business and professionals. With its portfolio of leading titles, law awards, in-house legal summits and online services, ALB provides authoritative and unbiased insights and unmatched networking and business development opportunities to legal professionals throughout the Asia-Pacific.
ALB combines news and analysis from its team of professional legal journalists and the expert opinions of senior industry professionals with Reuters news and insights that power businesses across the globe.
Please visit legalbusinessonline.com for further information.
ALB Law Awards
The ALB Law Awards are the pre-eminent legal awards in Asia-Pacific, held annually in China, Singapore, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong(Hong Kong Special Administrative Region), and the Philippines. The Awards are comprised of months of intensive research and culminate in a black-tie Awarding Ceremony in each of the markets. We cordially invite you to take part in these prestigious awards – and celebrate legal excellence with us.