Welcome to 'ALB锦天城中国商事诉讼论坛  国际争端解决'





- WIPO的争端解决机制解

- 跨境仲裁智胜锦

- 中国企业跨境纠纷解决相关法律问题解





时间:9:00 AM -13:00 PM

地点:丽思卡尔顿酒店三层多功能A 上海浦东陆家嘴世纪大道8




09:00 – 09:30   签到注册

09:30  09:40   开幕致辞

                             - 车虎汤森路透法律事业部总经理 

                             -  吴明德锦天城律师事务所主任  


09:40  10:45   主题演讲

      - WIPO的争端解决机制解读



      - 跨境仲裁智胜锦囊

              徐凯怡 - 合伙人史蒂文生黄律师事务所


      - 中国企业跨境纠纷解决相关法律问题解析 

              刘炯 - 高级合伙人锦天城律师事务所



10:45 – 11:00   茶歇


11:00 – 11:50   专题讨论 讨论主题:上海地王案


                  主持人:李尚晶 - ALB中国


                          - 朱林海级合伙人锦天城律师事务所 

                          - 吕志豪合伙人史蒂文生黄律师事务所  

                          -  - 级合伙人锦天城律师事务所 

11:50 – 12:00   Q&A

12:00 – 13:00   午餐时间








电话:+8610 6627 1351




Welcome to 'ALB锦天城中国商事诉讼论坛  国际争端解决'



Welcome to 'ALB锦天城中国商事诉讼论坛  国际争端解决'



















吴明德 高级合伙人 - 锦天城律师事务所







WU, Mingde - Partner - AllBright Law Offices

Wu Mingde is managing director of AllBright Law Offices and is based in Shanghai.

Mr. Wu has spent much of his professional career working in government. He formerly served as assistant to the deputy directors of the Law Committee of the National People's Congress, assistant to the secretary general of the CCCPC Committee of Political and Legislative Affairs, an assistant in the Ministry of Justice, secretariat to the deputy director of the General Office, research director at the CCCPC Committee of Political and Legislative Affairs, an adviser in the Ministry of Justice, director of the China International Lawyer Exchange Center, deputy director of the Ministry of Justice counsel division, a deputy director in the notary division of the Ministry of Justice, Secretary-General of the All China Lawyers Association, a department inspector in the notary department of the Ministry of Justice, vice president of the China Notary Association, member of the China Securities Regulatory Commission second and third issuance examination committees, and a member of the Asia Pacific Bar Association.

Mr. Wu is also currently a member of the PRC Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Listing Committee. 

Mr. Wu graduated from Shanghai University with a degree in electrical engineering. 
Mr. Wu has published academic theses in a number of legal and economic journals, including the Asia Pacific Lawyers Association journal and the Hong Kong Bar Association Journal. 
Mr. Wu is admitted in China and is a member of the All China Lawyers Association.






















郭锐 - 高级合伙人 - 锦天城律师事务所







Rui Guo - Partner - AllBright Law Offices

Rui Guo is an AllBright partner based in Shanghai, where he specializes in commercial and economic litigation.

Before joining AllBright Law Offices, Mr. Guo worked as an international business consultant for a Japanese building company. Mr. Guo has acted as legal advisor to many state-owned enterprises and well-known internationally-funded corporations. Mr. Guo  has also served as lead counsel in many influential cases. In addition, he has been a leader in the legal handling of many large-scale projects such as the rebuilding and expansion of Pudong International Airport and Hongqiao International Airport. In his spare time, Mr. Guo works as a volunteer lawyer in the legal aid center in Pudong.

Mr. Guo received his LL.M degree from Northwest University of Politics and Law in 2001 and majored in procedural law during his postgraduate studies.

































徐凯怡 合伙人 史蒂文生黄律师事务所



徐律师是香港国际仲裁中心、香港律师会及土地审裁处 (大厦管理案件)的认可调解员,她也是婚姻监礼人。




Heidi Chui Partner Stevenson,Wong&Co.

Heidi was admitted to practise as a solicitor in Hong Kong in 2002. She joined the firm in 2012.

Heidi focuses on commercial litigation and dispute resolution. She regularly acts for banks, money lenders, insurance companies, property management companies, listed companies and financial institutions in a variety of contentious matters. She has extensive experience in asset recovery, mortgage action, receivership, enforcement action and winding-up/bankruptcy petitions in Hong Kong. She also assists clients in cross-border dispute resolutions.

A qualified mediator on the General Panel of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, Heidi is also an accredited mediator of the Law Society of Hong Kong and a panel member of the accredited mediators for Building Management cases in the Lands Tribunal. She is also a Civil Celebrant of Marriages.

Heidi provides legal opinion and has acted as an expert witness on Hong Kong law for cases tried in the PRC courts. She represents individuals and corporations faced with investigation and prosecution from law enforcement and regulatory authorities.

She also advises liquidators, receivers, creditors and other insolvency practitioners on insolvency and fraud matters.

Heidi is a frequent speaker on commercial law, insolvency law, banking law and dispute resolution issues.























刘炯 高级合伙人 锦天城律师事务所 





LIU, John Partner AllBright Law Offices

John Liu is an AllBright Partner based in Shanghai, where he specializes in dispute resolution, M&A, foreign direct investment, and real estate matters.

Throughout his career, Mr. Liu has represented many international and domestic clients and handled nearly one hundred lawsuits and arbitration cases. Mr. Liu also provided the Pudong Government with professional guidance on the drafting of policies related to private equity, and was involved in the negotiation of other projects dealing with Fortune 500 companies. Additionally, Mr. Liu delivered a lecture on dispute resolution and the liquidation of foreign-invested enterprises alongside judges from the Supreme Court for the China Legal Association. He has also been invited by the media to render his professional opinion on legal issues related to real estate and other matters.

Mr. Liu obtained his bachelor’s degree from the East China University of Political Science and Law and his master’s degree from Fudan University School of Law. Mr. Liu was also invited by the Hong Kong Law Society to receive training in Hong Kong. In 2010, he was awarded the “Best Ten Young Lawyers in Pudong New District” award.

Mr. Liu is a practicing lawyer in China. His working languages are Mandarin and English.






























































陈乃蔚 高级合伙人 - 锦天城律师事务所 


陈律师的主要执业领域为知识产权、争议解决及公司并购。在1986年通过过首届全国律师资格考试并获得律师执照以来,陈律师一直专注于知识产权、技术转让、电子商务、信息技术保护、公司重组与兼并、投资业务、各类合同、诉讼与仲裁代理等业务,曾先后办理各类案件千余件,并担任多家著名中外企、事业单位的法律顾问和上市公司的独立董事。陈律师代理的世博会法国馆专利侵权案、淘宝网商标侵权纠纷案、圣莱克特商业秘密侵权案分别于2010年、2011年和2013年连续多年被最高人民法院评选为中国10大知识产权经典案例。陈律师还多次被国际著名法律杂志CHAMBERS & PARTNERS评为亚太地区争议解决法律专家。






CHEN, David Partner - AllBright Law Offices

Dr. David N. W. Chen is a partner at AllBright Law Offices in Shanghai. He is also managing partner of AllBright's Hong Kong office. His practice areas include intellectual property, technology transfer, e-commerce and information technology protection, property restructuring, M&A, foreign investment, commercial contracting, civil litigation and arbitration matters.

Prior to joining AllBright, Dr. Chen was a professor of law and former Dean of the law school at Shanghai’s Jiao Tong University. He also headed the University's Center for Intellectual Property Study, and served as a senior visiting scholar at the University of Washington, School of Law. Dr. Chen was also a Fulbright scholar at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, and is currently serving as the deputy director of the Chinese Science and Technology Law Institution, vice-chairmanof the E-commerce Committee of the Shanghai Bar Association, and a guest scholar at the Intellectual Property Center of Shanghai’s Fudan University. Dr. Chen is also a listed arbitrator for the Court of Arbitration for Sports under the International Olympic Commission, a listed arbitrator for the Shanghai Arbitration Commission, and a listed expert for the Domain Dispute Settlement Center under CIETAC.

Dr. Chen has handled more than one thousand cases to date, particularly in the field of intellectual property. He has successfully represented a large number of well-known multinational companies and household names in their investment, corporate reconstruction, contractual disputes and IP-related legal issues in China.  He now serves as counselor to the Municipality of Shanghai’s Pudong New Area District government, as well as for quite a few Chinese and international enterprises. Dr. Chen has participated in the drafting and amending of key Chinese laws and regulations including the “Technology Advancement Law of PRC”, “Contract Law of PRC” and “Copyright Law of PRC”.

Dr. Chen has published more than one hundred articles and ten academic textbooks, some of which include:

Corporate Law

Arbitration and Legislation of Science & Technology

Science and Technology Law Tutorial

Commercial Law

Legal Guide to the Investment in Pudong New Area

Intellectual Economy and Intellectual Property

Legal Protection of Computer Software

Legal Protection of Interlocution of Enterprises and Innovation of Technology

Data Protection and Intellectual Property

Study on the Legal Protection of Know-How inChina

Study on Trademark Infringement in Parallel Imports

Criminal Offence in International Trade and Its Prevention

Handbook of Corporate Practice

Environmental Law

Aside from his publications, Dr. Chen frequently gives speeches at various academic seminars held in the US, Europe, Taiwan, Hong Kong and mainland China. Dr. Chen is a practicing lawyer in China. His working languages are Mandarin and English.

























































朱林海 高级合伙人 - 锦天城律师事务所 







ZHU, Lawrence Partner AllBright Law Offices

Lawrence Zhu is a partner at AllBright Law Offices in Shanghai and Beijing. His areas of practice include corporate investment, securities and capital markets, mergers and acquisitions, corporate reorganization, real estate, and dispute resolution.

Mr. Zhu is experienced in providing whole-process legal services for investing in and financing enterprises and large-scale real property construction projects, including corporate acquisitions and reorganizations, joint-stock restructuring, public offering of corporate stocks, issuance of corporate bonds, restructuring and refinancing of listed companies, private equity investment as well as financing, construction, operation and the transfer of large real estate projects. He has provided legal services for the joint-stock restructuring of dozens of enterprises and successful listing of their stocks on Shanghai Stock Exchange or Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and assisted more than 10 Chinese enterprises go public in New York Stock Exchange and the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. Mr. Zhu is now legal counsel for dozens of listed companies and securities companies, and also serves as independent director for a number of listed companies.

Mr. Zhu has also engaged in legal services concerning domestic and cross-border mergers and acquisitions, covering such sectors as real estate, mining, new energy, biomedicines, information technology and cultural industry. In the field of real estate construction and investment, Mr. Zhu successfully handled the construction and operation of over 50 national development zones and industrial parks as well as the financing, operation and transaction of dozens of upscale office buildings, commercial and residential buildings and large-scale infrastructure. Mr. Zhu has ample experience leading legal teams to settle complicated disputes involving investment, securities, M&A transactions and financial products. He has led legal teams in various practice areas to deal with numerous significant commercial cases or arbitrations in terms of the amounts at issue or social influence, which were adjudicated or arbitrated in mainland China and other countries/regions like Hong Kong and Singapore.

Mr. Zhu previously worked at another Shanghai law firm and once served as Chinese legal counsel for the head office of an internationally renowned law firm.

Mr. Zhu obtained his LL.B. from the East China University of Political Science and Law in 1993 and received his LL.M. from Fudan University in 2001. Mr. Zhu currently serves as arbitrator of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission and a member of CPPCC Pudong New Area Committee.































吕志豪 - 合伙人 - 史蒂文生黄律师事务所







Eric Lui Partner Stevenson,Wong&Co.

Eric is admitted as a solicitor in Hong Kong and England & Wales. He is also a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and an accredited mediator of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre and the Law Society of Hong Kong.

Eric has extensive experience in handling a wide range of banking and finance transactions. He has particular expertise in cross-border project finance, and regularly advises clients on all aspects of secured and unsecured loan transactions including bilateral loans, syndicated loans, and acquisition and shipping financing.

Eric has undertaken numerous transactions relating to joint ventures and acquisitions in Hong Kong and China. He has also represented a number of major mainland Chinese organisations and enterprises in Hong Kong on matters relating to banking, insurance, securities, real estate investment and shipping.

Eric delivers regular presentations to banks on issues involving cross-border loans, security transactions and matters relating to banking operations.

Prior to joining the firm, Eric was a senior legal adviser at the Bank of China (Hong Kong) and a banking and commercial practice partner at a Hong Kong law firm.



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电子邮件: yvonne.cheung@thomsonreuters.com

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